Friday, March 16, 2018

Ask Yoast: Publish date on updated articles

Keeping your articles up to date is always a good idea, as it shows to your readers that your site offers current and relevant information. Furthermore, search engines will pick up on changes to your articles, and consider your site alive and up to date. That’s never a bad thing, right?

It’s especially important that you keep your cornerstone content articles up to date, but many other pages will benefit from updating as well. One question remains, though: what to do with the publish date? You may worry that people don’t want to read a blogpost that was published five years ago, even if the content is evergreen or if you’ve updated it just last week. Want to know how we handle the publish date on updated articles at Yoast? Let’s check this week’s question!

Kees van den Berg emailed us saying,

We’re often advised to update old articles. What to do with the publish date? Republish it on a new date? Or add a note that it has been updated?

Watch the video or read the transcript further down the page for my answer!


What to do with the publish date on updated articles

“Now we do this all the time on, we go through our old content and we update as necessary. If we completely rewrite the article or if a major part of the article is new, then we actually publish on a new date.

If only a tiny portion of the article changes, then we add a note to the article that we’ve updated it and we keep the old date. It’s that simple… so a bit of both. Good luck.”

Ask Yoast

In the series Ask Yoast, we answer SEO questions from our readers. Have an SEO-related question? Maybe we can help you out! Send an email to

Note: please check our blog and knowledge base first, the answer to your question may already be out there! For urgent questions, for example about our plugin not working properly, we’d like to refer you to our support page.

Read more: ‘Keep your content fresh and up to date!’ »


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from Yoast • SEO for everyone

Friday, March 9, 2018

Yoast SEO for TYPO3 Premium available now!

Today, MaxServ and Yoast proudly present Yoast SEO for TYPO3 Premium! With this premium version you can take your TYPO3 website to the next level. Create redirects effortlessly, make your content rank for multiple focus keywords and find out which pages should get more links.
In addition to that, we’re also releasing Yoast SEO for TYPO3 2.1, today. This updated version provides you with tools to make your best content even better.

Get it with a 25% introductory discount now: it’s only $374.25! End of next week it will go up to the regular price of $499. 

Get Yoast SEO for TYPO3 Premium Now$499 $374.25 1 year free access to 24/7 support

Yoast SEO for TYPO3 Premium

Really want to create a TYPO3 website that your visitors and Google love? Then get this premium SEO extension for TYPO3. It’s features will make your live as a website owner so much easier. Preventing your visitors from landing on a 404 error page and creating and maintaining awesome content that ranks will be easy as pie!

Redirect manager

Every time you delete a page you should do something with the old URL. Otherwise, as there are still links to it, people will still land on it. Creating a redirect is the best way to go. Unfortunately creating redirects isn’t easy if you’re not a developer. That’s why this feature is so awesome. If you delete a page it will automatically ask you what to do with the old URL. Just enter a new URL which you like visitors to go to, and you’re done. It will also give you an overview of all the redirects you have on your site and will provide options to create different kinds of redirects. It will even warn you if you’re creating a redirect that doesn’t work.

Multiple focus keywords

Sometimes you’d like your page to rank for multiple keywords. That could be synonyms, or a related search term, for instance. In Yoast SEO for TYPO3 you can set one focus keyword and optimize your copy for it. With our premium version you can set up to 5 focus keywords and create copy that could rank for all these words.

Yoast SEO Insights

You’ve done your keyword research and know what to write about, so you start writing. When writing, you might find out it’s hard to keep your text focused though. This feature tells you what your actual writing is about! It shows you the prominent words of your text. That way, you can check if you’re still writing about what you’d like to be found for.

Orphaned content

If you want your page to appear in the search engines it needs backlinks. Links from other websites, but also internal links, from your own site. Content without any links, also known as orphaned content, won’t be found by the search engines. This functionality helps you retrieve this content on your site. It will give you a simple overview of all pages that lack links from your site. So go ahead and create those links!

Get Yoast SEO for TYPO3 Premium Now$499 $374.25 1 year free access to 24/7 support

Yoast SEO for TYPO3 2.1

In the mean time, we’ve also improved the free extension Yoast SEO for TYPO3. In Yoast SEO for TYPO3 version 2.1, you’ll be able to mark your best articles as cornerstone content. Cornerstone content are the pages on your site that contain the best and most complete information about a topic you’d like to rank for. Marking your most important pages as cornerstone content will have a couple of advantages.

Firstly it will allow you to get an overview of those articles. By creating a simple list for you, we’ll help you determine which articles you should start working on first. Secondly, to help you create those awesome pages, we’ve set the standards for readability and SEO higher. Our content analysis will be a little stricter, for example on the amount of words you should at least have on a page, to help you make the most of those articles.

So get the latest version and start creating content that ranks!

The post Yoast SEO for TYPO3 Premium available now! appeared first on Yoast.

from Yoast • SEO for everyone

Ask Yoast: Include WooCommerce product tags in your XML sitemap?

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Caroline’s Corner: Why should a blogger focus on SEO?

Yoast Diversity Fund

In this post, I’ll explain why we’ve created the Yoast Diversity Fund. This fund pledges a minimum of €25,000 each year. It aims to cover the cost of travel and accommodation for speakers that increase the diversity of speakers at a given conference.

Why do we need a Diversity Fund?

To make a conference inclusive and have it feature a diverse set of speakers is hard. Women, but certainly also other minorities, tend to speak less, and they do so for all sorts of reasons.

We believe that encouraging diversity among conference speakers and attendees is incredibly important. These types of events are where we go to learn, get inspired, meet life-long friends, and make significant career or life decisions. The people on the stage influence those outcomes, and the people around us shape that experience.

For a long time, especially in digital, conferences have not done a good job of representing minorities and disadvantaged groups. We need to change that. If we want to broaden our horizons, we need to remove the barriers which prevent everybody to be able to share their experiences. That’s why we’re working to give everybody a chance, and to make these conferences a fair, safe and level playing field.

At Yoast, we’ve been thinking about what we can do to improve the inclusivity of conferences. One of the things we can do is remove hurdles, and specifically, the hurdle of costs. Costs for speakers from a diverse background to come and speak.

There are WordCamps throughout the world, these are conferences about, by and for the WordPress community. While we already sponsor a lot of them, they tend to not have the budget to pay for speakers’ travel and accommodation cost. The same applies to other conferences about open source, certainly those that are not commercially run. We want to take away that particular reason for not having a diverse conference.

The Yoast Diversity Fund will, therefore, starting today, reimburse travel and accommodation cost up to €1,000 per event.

Which conferences and speakers can apply?

Either a conference or a speaker can apply if:

  • The speaker is part of – or identifies as part of – a typically underrepresented group.
  • The conference is not commercial.
  • The conference targets either the WordPress, Magento, or TYPO3 community.
  • The speaker has been accepted as a speaker to the conference.

How can I apply?

Email diversity-fund at Tell us:

  • who the speaker is;
  • which underrepresented group the speaker is a part of;
  • what conference you’re applying for.

We’ll review applications within one week. If needed we can help with or take care of travel arrangements.

International Women’s Day seemed like a great opportunity to launch this fund. Marieke has written more: Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day!

The post Yoast Diversity Fund appeared first on Yoast.

from Yoast • SEO for everyone

Let’s celebrate International Women’s Day!